The Actions

Preparatory actions

A1 Preliminary design of the pilot operational UHI forecasting systems

A2 Installation of supplementary urban weather stations

Implementation actions

C1 Set-up of the pilot operational UHI forecasting systems

C2 Pilot operation of the UHI forecasting systems

C3 Evaluation, optimization, and validation of the pilot operational UHI forecasting systems

C4 Future climate impact assessment of UHI effect and assessment of adaptation plans

C5 Development of UHI adaptation action plans, good practice guides, and financial tools

C6 Development and pilot operation of heat health warning systems

C7 Local pilot actions

C8 Replicability and transferability

Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

D1 Assessment of the environmental impacts before and after the project’s implementation

D2 Assessment of the socio-economic impacts before and after the project’s implementation

D3 Assessment of the communication and dissemination actions’ impact before and after the project’s


Communication and dissemination of results

E1 General audience communication and dissemination activities – community engagement

E2 Policy-makers and experts engagement

E3 Networking with other projects

E4 Public relations

Project management

F1 Project management

F2 Project monitoring and evaluation

F3 After-LIFE plan